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Young people are the most active and dynamic force in the whole social force, the hope of the country lies in the young people, the future of the nation lies in the young people, the country prospers when young people are strong, and the country is strong when young people are strong。习近平总书记在今年五四青年节时强调,The majority of young people should inherit and carry forward the May Fourth spirit,Unswervingly listen to and follow the Party,Strive to be a good young person in the new era who has ideals, dares to bear, can bear hardships and is willing to struggle,In promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation, we will show our youth actions, highlight the style of youth, and contribute to the strength of youth,Strive to write a responsible youth chapter for Chinese modernization。

Hand in hand, let us follow the footsteps of example, and cultivate more ideal, capable and responsible young people in the new era on the fertile soil of Liaoning Vocational College of Light Industry。

Personal profile

Li Jiantao, a probate member of the Communist Party of China, is a student of Class 2131, Electronic Information Engineering Technology major, Liaoning Vocational College of Light Industry。At school, he served as a member of the presidium of the Student Union of the School of Information Engineering, deputy head of the lecture group of the first branch of the General Party Branch of the School of Information Engineering, the monitor of electronic class 2131, and the assistant counselor of electronic class 2231。He has won various scholarships for many times, and participated in various skills competitions at all levels and innovation and entrepreneurship competitions for many times in school, and won more than 20 awards。

Exemplary deeds

Study hard and participate actively

At school, Li Jiantao studied hard and was diligent and studious. His academic performance has always been among the best, and he has ranked first in his major in the comprehensive ranking of the academic year for many times。At the same time, through participating in professional skills competition and innovation and entrepreneurship competition, constantly improve their professional skills, so as to achieve the combination of theory and practice。曾荣获2022年一带一路暨金砖国家技能发展与技术创新工业互联网APP大赛国家二等奖;2022年辽宁省大学生企业云服务开发者大赛二等奖;2022年辽宁省第八届“互联网+”Innovation and entrepreneurship大赛银奖; 2023年辽宁省第十九届大学生技能竞赛三等奖;2023年辽宁省第九届“互联网+”Innovation and entrepreneurship大赛银奖等;因学习成绩优异,Outstanding performance in all aspects won the national scholarship。

Li Jiantao understands that learning is a process that requires perseverance, achievements belong to the past, and there is a long way to go in the future。Therefore, he continued to meet the trials and tests again and again with a more upward attitude, and invested in learning and life with more enthusiasm。

Li Jiantao's outstanding achievements are full of the glory of struggle and hard work。In the 2024 entrance examination, he successfully entered the software engineering major of the School of Information of Dalian Jiaotong University with 581 points, opening a new chapter on the road to study through his own efforts。

Actively participate in volunteer activities

Li Jiantao is motivated, loves the motherland, supports the leadership of the Communist Party of China, can abide by the rules and regulations, consciously fulfill the obligations of party members, has good moral cultivation, and has a firm political direction。In June 2023, he became a probationary member of the Communist Party of China, which made him realize the responsibility and mission he assumed, and he became more strict with himself, set an example, and enthusiastically invested in public welfare activities。During the school, Li Jiantao actively participated in various volunteer activities and volunteered for 350 hours。In the summer of 2022, I participated in the "Three visits to the countryside" volunteer service activities,In the summer of 2023, I participated in the social practice of the Sail Plan in Xigang District of Dalian and volunteered for college students returning to their hometown,He also actively participated in the "Salute to Veterans.,"Inherit the Red Spirit" volunteer activities and won high praise from the Communist Youth League Dalian Xigang District Committee。

What does Li Jiantao prove by his actions is the Chinese youth in the new era。In the coming days, he hopes that all students can live up to their youth, strive to improve their skills, become pillars of the era, and let youth bloom in the place where the Party and the people need it!